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Magical Tree

by Adam D. Fisher, 2022

When a grandpa arrives
visits his grandson,
Jimmy jumps up and down,
“Quick grandpa let’s go
bike riding. I want to show you
my secret, magical place.
Please! Please!!” Grandpa
follows recalling that he hasn’t ridden a bike
in forty years and doesn’t know
if he remembers how.
He follows his grandson to the
garage where he finds his daughter’s
bike rusted, tires flat, chain askew.
He pumps up the tires,
adjusts the chain, and gives
it a try. He is wobbly at first but soon
more confident.  He follows Jimmy
to a path in the woods paved with wood chips,
“ See, Grandpa, I told you
this was a secret, magical place.” Just then
a couple walks by with a dog. “Well,” says Jimmy,
“almost secret, but still magical. Let me show you
my favorite tree.” They ride farther. The boy
stops lays down his bike and hugs a giant oak.
“This is the biggest tree in the forest and has magical
powers too.” Grandpa gets off the bike and holds
hands around the tree with his grandson, “You’re
right—it is magical.”

Black and White

by Charlotte Heotis, edited by Peter Heotis, 2022

Someone inked my trees in black and white
And silently did it over night
Against the covered snow below.
No one signed nor painted it, I know
I’m sure no artist’s canvas could capture
Such a scene of depth and rapture
Praise to God, for the eyes’ delight
Of outlines done in black and white.

Tiny Poems Series (A “Tiny Poem” = 12 words)

by Anne Kelly-Edmunds, 2021

Cold crocus close tight
purple petals touch
like hands folded in prayer
Trumpets crowned
with golden petals
play on a hillside,
sway with rhythm
Weathering the Storm
Valiant tulips
brave torrents of rain
blasts of wind,
buds ever upward
Peerless Pansies
Possibly purple
Peachy keen
This Morning’s Surprise
In the bathroom sink
orange, yellow, green, blue
a slice of rainbow


by Yvette Malavet-Blum, 2021

I am grateful for the artists who inspires me to write
For the poet who ends her stanza with words of love
For Bruce who walks and talks and moves in poetry and song
Adele who reminds me that growing older makes a person reckless
For the spirit of my son who reaches into my heart and reminds me of my ability to create
And the song that emerges from my mind swinging and moving into being
I am grateful for the artists who paints and leaves me breathless
For the day that I can walk into a museum and find myself inside an artist’s brush work
I am grateful for the love that keeps me breathing and living and singing and moving
And honoring my passion
And recognizing that it is truly mine
My song
My dreams
My love story
My life
My time on earth
My touch so unique and special that I can touch another soul and feel it tremble
Someone of like mind like Bruce and Adele
Thank you for the artists that writes with beauty and leaving me
About Gratitude

First Tulip

by Anne Kelly-Edmunds, 2021

A hint of yellow runs
upward like a seam,
promises to rent
the tight fabric
of thick verdant protection
against spring’s fickle days
and chilly nights.
Soon, petals that glow
like noontime sunshine
will unfold upward,
open to cup a star
of six jet-black pistils
surrounding the white-gold
gift of stamen.

Chance of Snow

by Alison Quinn, 2021

Just the tip
of a snowfall
as it chances to land
on a grassy moment.
it points to doorways
and skips around the hours.
Like a gentle javelin,
it aims softly for our daydreams.
We have no choice
but to be targets, pleased.


by Jennifer Reedy, 2021

The opposite of love is not hate.
It is indifference-
A disease of the heart
Where one cannot see and appreciate the
Beauty and Awesomeness of simply being alive and awake-
Awake to wonder; awake to pray.
As the ocean’s waves pound on solid rock,
There is hope for healing the blind and hardened heart.
Time and patience gradually erode the selfish delusions of
‘Whatevers’, ‘So Whats’ and ‘Who Cares?’ that make us separate, alone and aloof.
I believe in the power of gentleness and loving kindness
Towards self and others
To chisel away and penetrate the
Dark, icy recesses of the cold, afflicted heart,
Only to reveal a light of tenderness, compassion and unconditional love
That flickers, burns and shines in each one of us,
More generous and life-giving than the warm rays of the sun.

In the Moment

by Yvette Malavet-Blum, 2021

I know you’re slipping and you might not know
I grab your time and hold it close
Cause in the moment you are dear
In the moment you are here
We talk away each word a gift
And speak of only what we feel
Cause you were there at my side
You were one with me one of five
How can I comfort you and comfort me
Knowing that it’s time we need
Time that rushes pass by so swiftly
We want to keep it
Slow it down
Where once it was like liquid flowing
Now it’s only moments
We take a moment and reflect on our lives
The same mother the same father the same sisters the same brothers
Our uncles and cousins we have the same last name
Only you understand just how
I came to be as I am now
You were there when I was growing, changing, moving and leaving
I was there at your wedding, the births of your children and all the celebrations
We loved each other’s singing
The death of our parents
Sisters and son
You were there as only a brother can be
You were there
In the moment with me.

A Haiku Collection

by Jennifer Reedy, 2021

Abundant blooms of
Fuschia attracts hummingbirds
An awesome delight!
Cold plastic people
Who weep for our plastic Earth
Glare at plastic phones.
A stunning vision
The yellow magnolia
Is sweetly shining.
Let’s swing by the park
To see the tulips in bloom
Are they finished yet?
Spring’s Cherry Blossoms
Gracefully dance in the wind
Pink snow in my hair.
If there’s a question
The solution is Chocolate-
It’s simply Divine!
Miracles of Spring
Mirror Christ’s Resurrection.
Sing Alleluia!

We Were Born

by Yvette Malavet-Blum, 2021

Only I remember when
You twisted inside of me
I felt the rush of life
Ready to come to be
It was us that were born that day
My life opened up so I could see
What it felt to love unconditionally
A life that came from me
Happy birthday my dear son
You live forever in my heart
And you will always be a part
Of all my creativity
We both loved to write
And you won an award for your poetry
I told you that talent
came from me
I framed it
It will always be
What I felt you received from me
Besides my smile that I hold
Close to my heart