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National Poetry Month Community Project Posts

The Earth Forever Rotates

by Julia Feit, 2022

The Earth forever rotates

creating golden mornings

and shimmering nights

It never gets a break

spinning, spinning, spinning

day after day

night after night

creating beautiful phenomes

Yet she feels so motionless


by Charlotte Heotis, edited by Peter Heotis, 2022

The goblins are a comin’
They’re traipsing up my walk
Some look mighty ghoulish
Speaking in such a gibberish
They have unearthly grins
Some I’m sure are aliens
There’s animals and ghastly insects
And humans with grotesques defects
Fairies dancing on the lawn
Even a cavorting little fawn
Do you think this is all a dream?
Of course not, it’s just Halloween!

Quiet Summer Day

by Adam D Fisher, 2022

The street is quiet now.
The garbage truck
rumbled though an hour ago.
The few cars pass slowly
under trees that arch over the road
shading it from hot sun.
The road curves around the pond
passing neat lawns, rows of tall arborvitae.
White roses and blue salvia provide quiet color.
A dark eyed child in seersucker
shorts digs in the sand box,
another squeaks quietly on the swing.
A heavy man floats in the pale blue pool
while a woman in a wide straw hat
lays on a lounge sleeping.
Frogs croak unseen by the pond’s reeds,
others swim or rest by the shore.
A sparrow grasps a slowly swaying branch
where it wipes its beak.
A great white egret’s long legs wade
slowly searching for fish.
A dozen ducks float, the male Mallards’
heads iridescent in the sun.
A woman in a white dress
sits grasping her knees looking at the pond.

The Dream

by Michella Paggy, 2022

Where bees buzz and rivers row

Where frogs leap and sheep roam

Where the breeze is like coming up for air, and the smell of flowers is ripe

Where the goats gloat and fireflies fly

Where stars shine and the moon moves

Where rabbits hop and horses run

Where your alarm beeps and disturbs your sleep

Where you groan and moan

Where you get ready for school

Where you hope you’ll have the same dream tonight.

My Lost Youth

by Julianna Lanze, 2022

Sometimes I remember, waking up in a chilly, air-conditioned room,

Rushing to get my stuff in my backpack for the day ahead,

Driving 20 minutes to the parks

My escape from the mean people at school.

Screaming my little heart out on all the rollercoasters, no cares in the world

My best and only friend surprising me while looking out at the lake of Universal

Dancing around with her until my feet hurt.

“I wish there was a way to know you are in the good ole days before you leave them”


Often I think back on getting ready for a long day at school,

Drained as I finish up the school day happy to be out on a Thursday afternoon

Doing my homework when my mom walks through the door,

She seems different

I go to hug her, but I can tell she’s forcing a smile

She sits me and my little brother on the couch, I knew something was wrong

She tells me my aunt passed away, I get mad at her for lying about something like that

Why is she crying?


“I wish there was a way to know you are in the good ole days before you leave them”


Two more years of highschool,

I’m starting to finally realize that nothing lasts forever

I’m getting older and there is no stopping it.

I’m scared, what do I do with my life?

Shouldn’t I be happy?

I don’t want to lose sight of who made me who I am today… my family

I could move away and live a separate life, and forget about the pain in the past

But, I don’t want to lose my best friends.

Choices are hard, LIFE is hard,

I’m not a kid anymore, I have to live up to expectations and provide for my family.

“I wish there was a way to know you are in the good ole days before you leave them”


by Adam D Fisher, 2022

I pull a tomato plant
from its plastic pack,
its fine white roots
vein the dark soil.
My trowel parts the earth,
and after I lower the roots
I cover and tamp it down,
knowing that
with water and sun
tomatoes will grow
without my even looking.

Gaia (Gaea) Earth

by Charlotte Heotis, edited by Peter Heotis, 2022

Lava throwing
Soil eroding
Shifting blinding
Fire igniting
Life destroying
Waves soaring
In the earth it’s
Growing, groaning
Ever evolving

What Happens to your Fantasies From When you Were Young?

by Evelyn Miller, 2022

Are they pulled out

Like a tooth at the dentist?

Could they be torn off

Like a Band-Aid, pulling every hair with it?

Maybe they are eagerly ripped apart,

Like a present on Christmas morning?

Or maybe they just disappear,

Like the leaves on a tree in Autumn,

Not realizing they’re leaving until they all are gone.

Magical Tree

by Adam D. Fisher, 2022

When a grandpa arrives
visits his grandson,
Jimmy jumps up and down,
“Quick grandpa let’s go
bike riding. I want to show you
my secret, magical place.
Please! Please!!” Grandpa
follows recalling that he hasn’t ridden a bike
in forty years and doesn’t know
if he remembers how.
He follows his grandson to the
garage where he finds his daughter’s
bike rusted, tires flat, chain askew.
He pumps up the tires,
adjusts the chain, and gives
it a try. He is wobbly at first but soon
more confident.  He follows Jimmy
to a path in the woods paved with wood chips,
“ See, Grandpa, I told you
this was a secret, magical place.” Just then
a couple walks by with a dog. “Well,” says Jimmy,
“almost secret, but still magical. Let me show you
my favorite tree.” They ride farther. The boy
stops lays down his bike and hugs a giant oak.
“This is the biggest tree in the forest and has magical
powers too.” Grandpa gets off the bike and holds
hands around the tree with his grandson, “You’re
right—it is magical.”

Black and White

by Charlotte Heotis, edited by Peter Heotis, 2022

Someone inked my trees in black and white
And silently did it over night
Against the covered snow below.
No one signed nor painted it, I know
I’m sure no artist’s canvas could capture
Such a scene of depth and rapture
Praise to God, for the eyes’ delight
Of outlines done in black and white.