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An Artist

by Barbara Progebin Graffe, 2024

I paint with blue pens and a keyboard that is back lit

I craft my markings on heavy white paper

Or thin pages filled with butterflies or flowers.

These pages are filled with printed letters and others with curves.


My paintings are seen by my eyes first

And then eventually by the eyes of others.

These markings flowing from left to right

As I fill many pages or just one.


When I read, these markings are given sounds and inflections

So that others can hear my different voices.

Ones that may be loud, others that may be screams

Or some that may go up and down like a roller coaster

And the gentle voices that reach from my heart and soul.


I am a writer of poems and essays

That spill from deep within me and pass from my lips.

I share by voice of words with all who will listen

Hoping they enjoy my beautiful paintings to see and to hear

For, I am an artist of words.