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My Lost Youth

by Julianna Lanze, 2022

Sometimes I remember, waking up in a chilly, air-conditioned room,

Rushing to get my stuff in my backpack for the day ahead,

Driving 20 minutes to the parks

My escape from the mean people at school.

Screaming my little heart out on all the rollercoasters, no cares in the world

My best and only friend surprising me while looking out at the lake of Universal

Dancing around with her until my feet hurt.

“I wish there was a way to know you are in the good ole days before you leave them”


Often I think back on getting ready for a long day at school,

Drained as I finish up the school day happy to be out on a Thursday afternoon

Doing my homework when my mom walks through the door,

She seems different

I go to hug her, but I can tell she’s forcing a smile

She sits me and my little brother on the couch, I knew something was wrong

She tells me my aunt passed away, I get mad at her for lying about something like that

Why is she crying?


“I wish there was a way to know you are in the good ole days before you leave them”


Two more years of highschool,

I’m starting to finally realize that nothing lasts forever

I’m getting older and there is no stopping it.

I’m scared, what do I do with my life?

Shouldn’t I be happy?

I don’t want to lose sight of who made me who I am today… my family

I could move away and live a separate life, and forget about the pain in the past

But, I don’t want to lose my best friends.

Choices are hard, LIFE is hard,

I’m not a kid anymore, I have to live up to expectations and provide for my family.

“I wish there was a way to know you are in the good ole days before you leave them”