by Debbie Engelhardt, 2020
It’s a building full of books
(Want to take some home?)
It’s a place to be with others
When you’re feeling all alone.
It’s a place to take a class
Or to grab a DVD,
To bump into a neighbor,
Get your taxes done for free!
It’s a friendly space for people
In our community
Who don’t have very much
And need a safe place to just “be”.
But, wait!
It’s closed!
That library we knew-
Where does that now leave us?
What’s a librarian
(And a community) to do?
Books are online to read and listen to!
Get a card on the web;
Your e-Library’s here for you!
Stream movies all month long
(Hoopla and kanopy are great!)
And there’s nothing to return
So your stuff is never late!
If social media’s where you are,
Our Facebook game is strong,
Our website’s up-to-date,
Our virtual events list long!
Paint and Sip!
Hear a poem or story!
Try a new recipe –
You’ll be in your glory!
Our Tik Toks amuse-
They’ll make you laugh!
You’ll see the hard work
Of our amazing staff!
For a library is people.
It’s you and it’s me.
A community center –
Now virtually!
So visit today!
Be a part once again
Of all the Library offers-
And reconnect with old friends!