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Take Me Home

by Rachael B, 2024

The journey seems to never halt.

When will it be ending?

I’ve been through thick and thin,

I’ve seen strengths and flaws,

But where will I end up?

All the twists and all the turns,

I continue to return to the one place I call home.

My journey leads back,

Through fights and hugs,

Through the appetite of jealousy

They all lead me back to you.

Yes, home may be a place,

But not for all.

My home could be here or there, or anywhere

As long as I’m with you.

I feel your warmth while you hold me here, and I know I’ve ended my journey.

My road could be never-ending.

I wouldn’t mind as long as you were by my side.

My best friend,

Through the bests and the worsts,

You never fail to make me smile.

I may not have started the journey with you,

And there have been cracks in my road,

But I know that wherever I go,

I will always find my home in you.